The Best Retirement Calculator: Now Better than Ever…

The NewRetirement retirement calculator — named a best retirement calculator by the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) — is a detailed and easy to use retirement planning system.

retirement calculator NewRetirement’s retirement calculator is now better than ever…

We are very proud of this tool. Forbes magazine called it a “new approach to retirement planning” and people who use it give the calculator great reviews. Here are a few recent quotes:

Comprehensive overview and sage advice.

Easy & quick with virtually identical estimates as expensive competition.

“This is by far the most comprehensive and well integrated retirement calculator that I have used. Light years beyond others.

“I found your site on the internet over a year ago, before I retired. The tools were invaluable to helping me finalize my retirement decision. Post retirement now, I continue to use the site to re-evaluate my overall plan. Thank you for establishing this wonderful site and continuing to provide current resources. You guys rock!”

Best retirement calculator. Logical and intuitive… And comprehensive.


And, Now Even Better…

While the tool has always been good, we continuously improve our systems to make retirement planning easier and more accurate for everyone who is interested in having a secure future.

The most recent improvements to the NewRetirement Calculator include:

1. Financial Model Updates:

We recently made some updates to the underlying financial model that drives the hundreds of calculations in the tool. These changes have made our projections for your retirement significantly more accurate than they were before.

We have added Required Minimum Distributions to the model and have improved tax handling for income, savings, and investments. Log in to see if you notice any differences in your financial forecasts. You can also browse our assumptions to see exactly what is going on.

2. Additional Metrics:

One of the unique things about the NewRetirement Calculator is that we offer you a thorough assessment of where you stand now. We have added and refined some of these metrics on the Dashboard. You can now easily see how long your savings last, your potential net worth, and whether or not you will fall in debt before the end of your life.

3. Goal Setting:

The main goal of a retirement plan is figuring out how to make sure your money lasts as long as you do. We have oriented the system to help you focus on and achieve this goal.

If you have a significant other, our tool will consider both you and your spouse when realizing your retirement financial needs.

The Calculator has always been one of the better resources for couples — enabling independent data handling for each individual. However, our financial model now emphasizes projections for the longest living spouse instead of the individual entering data. This update helps users focus on a secure future for both them and their spouse.

Even More Improvements Coming Soon

We are making big changes and minor tweaks all of the time. We are currently working on the ability to add more detailed information on your retirement accounts.

We really appreciate all the feedback you give us. It enables us to keep building the tool you need for a secure future.

NewRetirement Planner

Do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable

NewRetirement Planner

Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.

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