Retirement Planning

Your retirement plan is a roadmap to your future, but like all plans, it is likely to evolve and change over time.

The economy will not behave exactly as you have anticipated and your own life and goals will also change over time.

And, the best retirement planning goes way beyond your savings and investments. Numerous other factors like Social Security, when you stop work, your longevity, home equity, debt, taxes, income sources, inflation, spending, healthcare costs, lifestyle choices, and more may actually represent greater value or be more important than your savings with regards to your overall financial wellness.

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Retirement plan

What if Your Retirement Plan is to Spend it All?

A typical retirement plan might be to guard your savings and investments to stretch them out through an unknown period of time. With Americans enjoying longer and longer lives, that’s a rational concern and goal. Along with managing their finances scrupulously to make it last, many people want to leave something of a legacy for…

September 10, 2015
Retirement income

How Much Do I Need to Retire? Avoid These Common Planning Mistakes

There is no shortage of retirement income advice.  And, anyone can make a prediction about  how much you will need for a secure retirement. Much of this guidance is based on sentiments that have more or less stayed the same for at least a few generations. But what if that advice is wrong?  It might…

September 2, 2015
Retirement Advice

Rethink Classic Retirement Plan Advice

When it comes to retirement plans, what’s best for most people may not be best for you. You may sometimes need to go against traditional advice instead to create your optimal retirement plan. Consider how these common tips could affect you before deciding whether to incorporate them into your retirement plan. Rethink Retirement Advice to…

September 1, 2015
Retirement calculator

Why Your Retirement Plan Needs an Annual Check Up

Some things, you can set and forget. They’re better off left alone. Like roses, for example. The more you fuss over them the more they’ll grow sickly. But growing your money isn’t like raising a beautiful grandiflora specimen. Retirement planning requires attention, and it needs it regularly. You don’t have to be a financial expert…

August 27, 2015
Retirement calculator

4 Ways a Retirement Calculator Helps Single Parents

Single parents are powerhouses of efficiency. But one real drawback is that you might spend so much time focusing on providing and holding together the household that your own future gets put on a back burner for later. Kids might need braces, and there’s college on the horizon, too. But you can’t help everyone around…

August 27, 2015
Retirement Crisis

Who to Blame for the Retirement Crisis?

A whopping 86% of Americans feel there is a retirement crisis upon them, and many have little faith in the government to help. How big is the crisis? Who is to blame?  What can we do to protect ourselves? How Big is the Crisis? So, how many people are truly financially unprepared for retirement?  The…

August 14, 2015
Retirement calculator can help

A Retirement Calculator Can Help You Save More

Retirement calculators are everywhere now, and the better ones can help you save more money. That means more retirement income when you need it, and a more effective way of getting it. The calculator idea is simple, at least from the front end. Enter your information, and out pops your summary. On the back end,…

August 12, 2015
Early retirement

Early Retirement Planning Advice Straight from the Sports Pages

You might not earn as much as a professional athlete, but if you want to retire early you could face some of the same challenges. Traditional retirement planning advice doesn’t lean toward deliberately short careers and long retirements. It’s usually just the opposite. So if you’re a high earner and do want to leave the…

July 30, 2015
Retirement plan

2 People Who Got Their Retirement Plan Right

The day you decide to do it is your lucky day – Japanese Proverb Have you ever thought that some folks are just born lucky? Sometimes it’s not really luck at all, but good, solid planning and a keen eye for making the right choices at just the right time. As it applies to retirement…

July 28, 2015
Retirement income

5 Reasons Why You’ll Probably Need More Retirement Income

Whether retirement is near or a long way off, your plans could probably use a boost. Once you’ve been in the workforce long enough, you’ll know that cost-of-living increases are a fact of life. And chances are by the time you retire, the economy will bear little resemblance to what it’s like now. This is…

July 20, 2015

The President Wants You to Plan for Retirement: 6 Tips for Getting Started

It’s no secret that Americans’ retirement security is shaky at best. But when the President is worried about our financial security, that should be a wake-up call —  no matter your political affiliation. “Too many older Americans leave the workforce without having saved enough for retirement,” Obama said during the recent White House Conference on…

July 20, 2015

Baby Boomers: Times They Are a Changing… Again! Are You Ready for the New Retirement Reality?

The times… they are a changin…. again…. And changing is what we are doing.  In fact, 16% of workers say the age at which they expect to retire has changed in the past year, according to the 25th annual Retirement Confidence Survey, conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald & Associates. Of…

July 17, 2015
Planning for retirement

Planning for Retirement: Transition in Stages

It’s never too early to think about how you’ll one day transition out and retire. Leaving the workplace for good can be a shock, regardless of whether you’re looking forward to it or not. Many people spend years planning for retirement and looking forward to the day when it arrives. But for others who really…

July 12, 2015
Planning for retirement

Introduction to Financial Planning for Retirement

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or getting a late start with financial planning for retirement. All of it can look confusing before you have a plan, regardless of where you are in life. But you shouldn’t let the complexity of the details intimidate you. Retirement is one of the loftiest goals that…

July 7, 2015
Retirement plan

Try on Your Retirement Plan and See if it Fits

No matter how much retirement planning you do, you cannot know whether your plan will work for you until you put it into action. Much like test-driving a car or trying on a shirt before you buy it, testing out your retirement plan to see if it fits can be a great way to see…

July 6, 2015

5 Ways to Solve Your Top Retirement Concern — Outliving Your Money

Are you worried about outliving your money? Join the club. This is one of Americans’ biggest retirement fears. More than half (57%) of CPA financial planners cited running out of money as the top concern for their clients, according to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Personal Financial Planning (PFP) Trend Survey. The 2015 survey…

June 24, 2015

Retirement Calculators Help You Make up for Lost Time

No life is perfect, and things happen. Life happens. For whatever reason, the traditional retirement planning advice of starting early and contributing often doesn’t always work out. Many Americans get a later start than what’s ideal, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope. There is a solution in most cases, and a retirement calculator can…

June 22, 2015
Retirement plan

3 Ways to Build a Retirement Plan that Grows

The retirement that you’ve always wished for won’t happen on its own. Unless you’re independently wealthy, or have a wealthy benefactor, it takes discipline and thought to save up for and plan retirement. Planning takes much more than one act, one decision, or one goal. It’s a lot of actions that evolve over time, ending…

June 16, 2015
Retirement advice

The Best Retirement Planning Advice from 10 Financial Gurus

Preparing for retirement can be a daunting task, so it helps to know what advice the best financial advisors have to offer. Here is retirement planning advice from 10 of the best-known personal finance experts. Suze Orman: Prepare for the Emotional Aspects of Retirement Suze Orman suggests that at least part of the decision about…

June 4, 2015
Retirement calculators

Retirement Calculators Offer Answers — and Solutions

Retirement calculators give you a quick peek at what you will need to retire, and how your current plan is helping you reach that goal. But it’s more than just a snapshot tool. The real benefits come in the insight they offer. Retirement planning is more than following a step-by-step procedure to get from point…

May 14, 2015

You Will NEVER Retire! (And Other Big Retirement Myths)

“You will never retire.” Those are four dreaded words no person wants to hear, especially those nearing retirement — even those who have not saved for retirement have hopes of retiring. One in five people who are near retirement age have no money saved, according to a survey last year from the Federal Reserve. The…

May 13, 2015

Expert Interview with Mark H. About Financial Planners and Calculators

The tools for financial independence are at your fingertips, as long as you know where to find them. In this interview, Mark H. of talks about financial planners and calculators and how they can help individuals plan for retirement, college, and just about anything else. But savings isn’t all these planners and calculators help…

May 5, 2015

The Retirement Crisis is Real: More than 50% of Americans Do Not Have Enough for Retirement

The U.S. is in the midst of a growing retirement crisis, and it’s only getting worse as an increasing number of Americans are less prepared to live on their savings than ever. According to “The Reality of the Retirement Crisis,” a report released this year by the Center for American Progress (CAP), more than 50…

April 24, 2015
age discrimination

The Top 3 Real Retirement Money Worries and Common Fears that Should Not Concern You at All

If the thought of retirement has you furrowing your brows in anguish, you’re not alone. The possibilities of high medical bills, running out of savings and not being to afford daily expenses are Americans’ top three concerns around retirement, a recent survey reveals. Other factors like the viability of Social Security weigh heavily on…

April 21, 2015

NewRetirement Planner

Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.