Retirement Planning

Your retirement plan is a roadmap to your future, but like all plans, it is likely to evolve and change over time.

The economy will not behave exactly as you have anticipated and your own life and goals will also change over time.

And, the best retirement planning goes way beyond your savings and investments. Numerous other factors like Social Security, when you stop work, your longevity, home equity, debt, taxes, income sources, inflation, spending, healthcare costs, lifestyle choices, and more may actually represent greater value or be more important than your savings with regards to your overall financial wellness.

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Winning the lottery and retirement

What Do Lottery Winners and People Near Retirement Have in Common?

Winning the lottery actually has a lot in common with being near retirement age: You can quit working You have finite financial resources at your disposal (Really finite for most of us; in fact, many of us feel like we can not retire unless we actually do win the lottery.) It is a time to…

July 2, 2020
useful retirement plan

8 Tips for Building a Useful Retirement Plan

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Most Retirees Think That Staying Put is the Right Move for Retirement

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3 Steps to a Million Dollar Retirement

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Retirement Solutions for the 7 Worst Retirement Mistakes

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Make Sure Your Retirement Plan is Ready to Slide into Home Plate

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How Real People Achieve a Secure Retirement and How You Can Too

Most people think that retirement planning is complicated and time consuming and maybe even futile. Too many people believe that a secure retirement is beyond reach. However, we have proof that improving your retirement plan is achievable and that it can even be easy and relatively speedy. Recent analysis revealed that a large percentage of…

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Baby Boomers Retiring: The Big Difficulties Facing This Generation

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Retired at 30: A True Story of Saving for Retirement

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6 Reasons to Beware of the Simple Retirement Calculator

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What You Can Learn From Millennials for a Better Retirement

According to the Pew Research Center and the U.S. Census Bureau, Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest living generation. There may be a lot of them, but what can this modern generation tell us about having a better retirement? It turns out that some of their ideas will work quite well for those…

June 30, 2020
Retirement planning

Warren Buffett’s Retirement Planning Advice

Warren Buffett earned his nickname honestly. The Oracle of Omaha’s success at investing is legendary, and he has ranked among the world’s wealthiest people time and again. But Buffett isn’t your typical wealthy business magnate. His retirement planning advice isn’t just for the rich and famous – it works for everyone. He’s known as frugal,…

June 30, 2020

Seniors Are More Vulnerable Finacial Scams: Here’s What You Can Do

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9 Tips to Help You Delay Retirement for a Happier and Wealthier Future

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June 30, 2020
retirement fears

3 Biggest Retirement Fears and How to Beat Them

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June 29, 2020
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6 Types of Insurance for a Worry Free Retirement

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June 29, 2020

Is It Ever Too Late (Or Too Early) to Start Saving for Retirement?

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June 29, 2020
retirement planning

The Dismal State of Retirement in 2020: How to Turn Lemons into Lemonade

The retirement outlook has changed drastically since your grandparents, and even parents, retired. In fact, by some measures, retirement might seem as sour as lemons. The Great Recession of 2008-2009 and the Global Pandemic of 2020 have sharply changed people’s attitudes towards and expectations of retirement. The Trans-America Center for Retirement Studies found in their…

June 29, 2020
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5 Steps for Defining Your Retirement Drawdown Strategy

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June 29, 2020
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Avoid These Jobs if You Want to Be Working After Retirement

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June 28, 2020
how much do I need to retire early?

How Much Do I Need to Retire Early? At Age 60? At 55? What About Age 50?

Early retirement might seem like a dream. But it’s one that you can achieve if you plan early and set goals as if your life depends on it. In fact, it does. So, ask yourself: how much do I need to retire early? At age 60? At 55? 50? Examining different possible scenarios can give…

June 28, 2020
retirement checklist

Retirement is All About Spending, And Experts Say You Aren’t Spending Enough

If you are nearing or are already in retirement, you are about to change from being an earner and a saver to being a spender. You spent a lifetime amassing savings and other resources and now is the time to use these assets – assuming you can accurately figure out how much to spend in…

June 27, 2020
Retirement check in

The Importance of a Quarterly Retirement Check In

Figuring out what you are going to do in retirement and how you are going to pay for it is not something you do once and just forget about it. You should plan for a quarterly retirement check-in. Retirement planning is kind of like owning a house – you put in an upfront investment, but…

June 27, 2020
FIRE -- Financial Independence Retire Early

Is Your Retirement on FIRE (Financial Independence Retirement Early)?

“FIRE” stands for Financial Independence Retire Early for a group of fired-up young people. In a nutshell, it’s about making some significant lifestyle choices immediately to try to achieve financial independence as quickly as possible. For most followers, it’s actually more about mindfulness, frugality and simplicity – not just about money and financial independence. FIRE…

June 26, 2020

NewRetirement Planner

Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.