Author: Kathleen Coxwell

income gap retirement bankruptcy

The First Lifelong Victims of the Income Gap Are Retiring and Bankruptcy Rates Are Skyrocketing

If you made it into the ranks of high income earners, you are probably going to be okay in retirement.  If you are part of the working class, the news is not as great. The first victims of the income gap are beginning to retire and feeling financially secure in retirement will be difficult for…

Can You Benefit From Refinancing Your Reverse Mortgage?

Often times, a reverse mortgage transaction involves refinancing an existing “forward” mortgage into a reverse mortgage. However, it’s also possible to refinance an existing reverse mortgage to achieve a different interest rate or loan terms. Is reverse mortgage refinancing a good idea? A reverse mortgage is a loan that enables homeowners aged 62 or older…

Now Available: 7 Big Powerful New Features in the NewRetirement Planner

We have announced this before, but it is true again: the NewRetirement Planner is now better than ever. We are VERY excited to announce the availability of 7 big powerful new features — some part of the PlannerPlus launch — a new premium subscription service. All of these new features are part of our continued…

Two Reasons to Get a Reverse Mortgage Now Instead of Later

Used wisely, getting a reverse mortgage early in retirement can result in getting more out of both the reverse mortgage and your investments at the same time. If used strategically, reverse mortgages can be valuable financial planning tools to help retirees cover a variety of lifestyle expenses and can also strengthen the spending power of…

getting old

Getting Old: Ideas for Delaying the Onset, Reasons to Look Forward to It and Ways to Prepare

Getting old is not all fun and games.  However,  it is not nearly as dismal as you might think, assuming you follow a few guidelines.  Furthermore, it can actually be enormously beneficial for you to think about growing old. Contemplating your future as an older person can: Help you create a better plan and make…


Dementia Rates Are Declining in the United States

According to researchers at the University of Michigan, between 2000 and 2012, the percentage of adults in the United States with dementia (including Alzheimer’s) fell from 11.6% to 8.8%.  In addition, the Framingham study (a long-running research project in one small, largely-white well-off community)  found that dementia rates have fallen by about 20% in every…

The Top Retirement Resolutions for Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2018

It is that time of year.  Time to set goals and set a resolution for 2018.  Here are some retirement resolution ideas that address wealth, health and happiness. Choose one or something from each category. Top Financial Retirement Resolutions? Find Wealth! It may come as no surprise, but saving more and saving more for retirement…

Here’s How Your Home Can Write You a Monthly Check for the Rest of Your Life

The oddly named ‘tenure payment’ is a fixed monthly payment you can getfor as long as you live in your home. Reverse mortgages have been gaining greater attention from financial planners because they can be incorporated into retirement income plans. One of several strategies enables homeowners to use a reverse mortgage to receive monthly cash…

precise retirement planning

More Precise Retirement Calculations with New and Improved Retirement Planning Calculator

Truly effective retirement planning requires a lot of different data points and a very sophisticated formula.  However, some online tools make it easy to create and maintain a reliable plan — even if you don’t have a doctorate in mathematics or finance. While there are tons of simple retirement calculators out there, you want to…

successful retirement plan

NewRetirement Users Reveal the 7 Secrets of their Successful Retirement Plans

Want to know what it takes to have a successful retirement plan?  Using data from survey responses and retirement profiles, NewRetirement has found a few interesting traits shared by people who use the Retirement Planning Calculator to create a successful plan. Here are 7 retirement planning secrets from NewRetirement users who have successfully planned a…

retirement trends 2017 2018

8 New Retirement Trends: Is Your Future as Rosy as the Data Suggests it Should Be?

Jack Kerouac is quoted as saving: “Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”  While, this is generally true, great things might happen to you if you are part of some of the recent retirement trends. Allianz Life recently surveyed 3,000 Americans, including 1,000 baby boomers aged…

retirement education

Retirement Education: What Back to School Night Can Teach You About Retirement Planning

It is back to school time.  While you are probably past the phase when you report to your children’s elementary, middle school or high school classrooms, these evenings can have some really valuable insights that you can apply to retirement planning. Here are a few ideas that teachers are talking about this year.  See if…

Secure Retirement Plan

The Building Blocks of a Secure Retirement Plan — How Tall Does Your Tower Need to Be? Will it Topple?

Planning your future retirement is complicated.  Creating a secure retirement plan requires that you know what you want and then being able to put together what you have to achieve your goals.  While retirement planning is not child’s play, it might be easier if you think about the components of your plan as being a…

best retirement plans

Best Retirement Plans: Definitive Ranking of the 25 Best Ways to Spend Retirement

So, what are the best retirement plans? Well… there is no wrong way to spend retirement. Without the grind of a job, you typically have the freedom to allocate your time however you wish. However, these 25 ideas and lifestyles just might rise above the rest as the best ways to spend your retirement. The…

Married? This is the Single Smartest Social Security Decision You Can Make

You have a lot of decisions to make about retirement. And, if you are married, you have nearly twice the number of choices – plus the complications of competing priorities and sometimes differing goals and expectations.Your Social Security decisions can profoundly impact your spouse today, tomorrow and long after you are gone.The good news is…

7 Hot Button Political Topics that Could Impact Your Retirement Well Being

“All politics is personal,” so the saying goes.  And, this year that phrase is especially true for people nearing retirement. There are a lot of hot button topics on the table that have the potential to impact your retirement well being — no matter where you stand on the political spectrum. Here we discuss 7…

retirement disadvantage

Are You Female or Married to One? The HUGE Retirement Disadvantage You Will Face

While there are lots of benefits to marriage, if you are a woman or you are married to one, you face a a huge retirement disadvantage — a significantly steeper climb toward having adequate retirement savings. A new study from TIAA estimates that in order for two recent college grads to have the same amount…